Welcome to the Hello Wolf Band Blog
Hello world, we're Hello Wolf, a local band based in Newtown, Connecticut. We play shows all over the greater Danbury area and in New Haven. Our sound is a witchy mix of swamp rock, funk, and alternative with an edge of Nashville blues. A Hello Wolf night is a good night.
About Hello Wolf
Bryan has been playing guitar for.ever. and bass for almost a decade. He also writes and produces. So that makes him a quadruple threat.
Hector is a life-long music lover and performer. He's even worked as a roadie just to be near bands when he wasn't in one.
Bob.... well, Bob makes a drum kit sing. I kid you not: it's possible.
And Ruby. Get ready for Ella Fitzgerald's vocal power, Sinead O'Connor's feminist manifesto, and Amy Winehouse's jazz sensibility.
Hello Wolf has been together for about a year, and it all started with a Craig's List ad. The rest is history.
Keep Up With Hello Wolf
This blog is our way to bring you along on our journey with updates about what we're writing, where we'll be playing, and how the band is evolving.
Check out our Show Dates page to see where to find us next.
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